Our Board


Marianne Larsen

Marianne Larsen (President) is a public school board trustee and Professor Emerita from Western University's Faculty of Education. She is an experienced educator at the secondary and post-secondary level. She has many years experience volunteering in organizations serving newcomers, low-income & homeless Canadians.

Christian Jacobsen Perez

Christian Jacobsen Perez, a student and a musician, is our newest board member. He is currently studying biochemistry at McMaster University and is very active in his university community. He brings his volunteer experience and a strong interest in the philanthropic sector to our board. Learn more about Christian.

Ian Esquivel

Ian Esquivel is an educator and musician. He is the director of guidance for a small Ontario school. He lives in Toronto with his wonderful wife and loves to travel. He has been involved in social justice education for many years.


Shelley Knott Fife

Shelley Knott Fife is an Anishnaabekwe residing in her home community of Curve Lake First Nation. She has a career in First Nation education and is currently an education specialist with Indigenous Services Canada.


Dennis Bonney

Dennis Bonney has many years experience working in global companies in the areas of oversight and regulatory compliance.

Yvonne Vanriel

Yvonne Vanriel brings her financial and accounting expertise as a manager of Finance Services for Alstom, a global transportation company, to the board of the JLF.

Our Staff

 Dr. Vanessa Sperduti, Communications Manager


Dr. Sperduti joined our team in 2021 as Communications Manager. She is responsible for guiding us in meeting our Communications objectives as outlined in our Strategic Plan (2020), including using social media to create more awareness and visibility about the programs and initiatives we financially support, enhance communications with the organizations we partner with, share our networks, our voices, and our resources to include and benefit Indigenous peoples, and One Health approaches.

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Dina Haddish, Foundation Manager (2020)

Dina served as our Foundation Manager during 2020 as she completed her required internship hours for her post-graduate program in Non-Profit Management from Western University’s Continuing Studies Department. We are so grateful to Dina for assisting us through our strategic planning process and creating this beautiful website that you are viewing now.